Public Domain Footage Links for WWII footage

1. iMoviesA blog that features extensive search and syndication options, along with a healthy catalogue of free-to-download public domain movies across a range of genres, featuring classics, cartoons and shorts. You can download or...

Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual Released by Apple

Apple has finally released a PDF manual for Final Cut Pro 7. Here is a link to the manual page,  (Link) Link to the PDF. (Link)   

Free AVID MC6 Training (proMAX)

Free AVID MC6 Training (proMAX)

Final Cut – Youtube Settings

This is the latest setting from Google for the best video from FCP7

Morgan Spurlock Webinar—now available on demand

<!-- a { text-decoration: underline; } a:hover { text-decoration: none; }.ReadMsgBody { width: 100%; } .ExternalClass { width: 100%; }.yshortcuts { color:#1687c5; } .fineprint .yshortcuts { color:#c4c4c3; } .button .yshortcuts { color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } -->   Watch the Morgan Spurlock webinar on demand             Watch now         Storytelling From Indie to 3D With Avid Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock shares his secrets How does filmmaker Morgan...

10 MORE Things wish I knew the first time I opened FCP

10 MORE Things wish I knew the first time I opened FCP by Clay Asbury Here is a great bunch of tutorials on little known feature of  Final Cut Pro  6-7 LINK to Article   by Clay Asbury 

SagIndie-Contract Workshop (FREE) 03/14/2013

Workshops are held the 2nd Thursday of every month from 6 to 8pm, and are FREE.

Request for Editing Help Form

Here is a list of things that I ask before I start a project.  You can bring some of the shots on a drive to the next meeting.  Firewire or USB 2.  Come at...

Final Cut Pro X Bug List

This list will document the bugs in Final Cut Pro X as they become apparent. Take a look and see if your problem is here....