November 2011 Meeting Notes
San Diego Final Cut Pro User Group Meeting
November 2011
Date: Monday - November 14, 2011
Meeting Notes and Links:
Walter Murch at the Boston SuperMeet
"In Conversation with Walter Murch" This is the FIRST public appearance by Oscar...
Las Vegas Supermeet @ NAB 2013
The Tweflth Annual Las Vegas SuperMeet
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 7PM - 11PM (doors open at 4:30PM for SuperMeet
Digital Showcase. SuperMeet begins at 7:00PM)
at the RIO Hotel - Amazon Ballroom(Visit the archived 2012 Eleventh...
Final Cut Pro X Bug List
This list will document the bugs in Final Cut Pro X as they become apparent. Take a look and see if your problem is here....
October 2012 SDFCPUG Meeting
San Diego Final Cut Pro
User Group Meeting
Date: Monday, October 8, 2012
Cost: FREE
Time: 6:00PM-8:30PM
UC San Diego Extension
University City Campus
6256 Greenwich Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
Room: Inquire at 1st Floor office
on the right
Parking is Free after...
SDMVPUG-July 2013 Meeting – Editing for 48hr Project.
San Diego Mac Video Production
User Group Meeting Note: This is a new location.
48hr Teams will be there to find editors.
If you want to be part of the 48hr Project then come and get on...
San Diego 3rd Annual Media Camp (FREE)
You're Invited To A Very Special Event For Media Professionals